Life Hack: Rewire your Brain to Crave Healthy Instead of Junk


I want to first start off by saying your diet has room for some “junk food” no matter what your goals are (fat loss, muscle gain, maintain, etc.)

One of the main goals of living a healthy lifestyle is to allow yourself to have sweets without feeling guilty or ever have the thought that you’ve “fucked up.”

This is a tough concept to grasp for most, especially those who’ve been trying to get in better shape and have a perfectionist mindset.

Now, I’m here to tell you that as long as your calories are in check most of the time, you’re hitting your protein goal, you’re loading your diet up with fruits, vegetables and exercising regularly.. Then you are living a healthy lifestyle.

Am I saying you should always eat whatever you want because there won’t be any consequences?

Of course not.

What I am saying is not allowing yourself to eat those “bad” foods actually ends up making you crave them more (and it’s making your so-called “all or nothing” diet extremely hard to stick to.)

So, you don’t always have to eat with optimal health in mind… but there’s one rule that I try to consistently follow on a day to day basis with every scenario that also applies to your diet.

Present enjoyment vs future upside

Ex: Eating donuts your coworker brought in instead of your prepped greek yogurt and fruit

Present enjoyment: Donuts are fucking delicious (and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and probably can’t be trusted.)

Future downside: Some bloat, indigestion, and a sugar crash. You’ll physically feel worse.

Generally, the more nutritious foods will leave you feeling more full (which is a great thing if you’re trying to stay in a calorie deficit to lose fat), less bloated and more energized throughout the day.

In other words, the short term pleasure you get from eating a donut is far more enjoyable than eating your greek yogurt.

But, hours later, you’ll physically feel much better eating the healthier option.


Intentionally thinking about how you’ll feel afterwards will help you start to crave healthy foods instead of junk and this concept of “present enjoyment vs future upside” can be used in nearly every situation in your life, even outside of fitness.

I appreciate you reading, my friend. If you need anything, just send me an email at

Coaching Plug

I’m currently accepting coaching clients who want to lose fat and build muscle. If you’d like more information on how to get started, please fill out this form on my website and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


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